Wednesday, January 3, 2018

life lately (catching up!)

Oh boy, OK where do I even begin? Can you tell the holidays kept me busy? Not to worry though, my life is following the law at this four way intersection and it has come to a complete STOP. Good thing, too. Shall we explore random tidbits of the last month?

(Oh, and by the way... I still, regrettably, have not downloaded a single picture from my DSLR from over Christmas. I'm sorry, mom!)

Right-oh and back to it! 

Scout! We went to Cade's mom's house the week before Christmas and I finally got to meet this cute ball of preciousness. How sweet.. And also, what a show off. Right?!

...And how perfect is her tree? Perfectly perfect. I know.

(Look, I'm going to get right down to it here. I have never aligned pictures like that (^) before and I know they are lopsided... Just please be OK with it and let your OCD know that I did not mean for it to look like that, but I really can't do anything about it.)

Cade and I refurbished this little table into a perfect little home for our record player. Isn't it lovely?! I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Mr Franks has the winter blues. If he can't be outside running around like crazy then he MUST be inside cuddling with us. It's the only way for him to not suffer... I understand little dude.

See what I mean? A LOT of cuddling. Notice how he is under the blanket and on top of me... He climbed his way up. I love it but I also sometimes wouldn't hate to have a little breathing room. I manage though! 

Oh, while we're on the subject of down time... Anyone binge exciting shows over their holiday break? Here are the two winners for me: 

Goliath on Amazon Prime video 
The Crown on Netflix

Both are practically impossible to stop watching and the acting is phenomenal! 

It's totally fine... She loves me. Those are just tears of pure happiness because she is so excited to be near me. It's totally fine! JK, it's not fine. This little peanut gets very emotional when you have your phone out and it's NOT in her hands. You know that feeling? Poor thing. 

I already madly love Terrestrial Brewing but the fact that they kept their Christmas lights up (and so beautifully I might add) just made me love them that much more. If you are in the Cleveland area then I really can't stress how much you should come check this place out. Great staff and even better drinks! Don't just trust me though, let the four out of five stars on Yelp convince you.

As I type this I am trying so hard to not look at the perfect bowl of pasta above. Piada is, what I can only describe as, that meal where the first bite you take will change your life. It's essentially a Chipotle for pasta and everything about it deserves all the hype that Chipotle got when it became popular. 100% in love with this place. 

At any given time in the last week you could've asked "Right now (!), what is the weather like on the west side of Cleveland?" and I could easily, and without a doubt tell you it was snowing. Crazy! Just all the time, snow, snow, snow. And the single digit, frigid temps aren't helping. The snow is beautiful though. I definitely, more than anything else in my life, have a love/hate relationship with snow.

He kind of does too, but I think he might love it more than he hates it.

In case you didn't believe me about the constant, 100% of the time cuddles. 

Well, thanks for checking in! I have big plans for this blog in 2018 so here's to keeping them!! 

May the year ahead be the best one yet for us all! 

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