Thursday, January 18, 2018

winter traditions.

Lake Erie near the Flats.

Hi there! 

I hope you're staying warm wherever you are. And I really mean wherever you are! Crazy, this weather has been!

Well, because of this weather, I feel like I've been trapped in the house more than usual which means I don't have too much to blog about. Whomp, whomp! As I was sitting here, crocheting a scarf and thinking about what I could still blog about I had an idea! Here's the thing, I crochet when it's cold because a.) the things I crochet are primarily used in the colder weather, and b.) I use whatever I'm crocheting as a tiny little blanket, ha! 

So there it is. That's my idea. Goodbye! Just kidding - it's my winter traditions! Here's what I tend to do in the winter, or do more than usual.

I drink tea all year around in the morning, but in the winter I find myself having much, much more! In the evenings I like to have my calming tea to not only get me ready for bed time, but also to warm me up. I'm sure I've talked about it enough, but my favorite brands are Traditional Medicinal and Paromi Tea.

Ahem. I mean... What else do you do in the middle of a blizzard when you're going crazy being stuck in the house? Check out those new Cleveland breweries, of course! Cade and I recently visited Bad Tom Smith and it did everything but disappoint. The crew was great, the beer was incredible and the decor was magnificent! It's like being in a modern day saloon.

I try extra hard when the weather is frigid to take care of my plants. I don't want them to be too cold, under watered or over watered... So it's a daily thing this time of year instead of weekly. I've already lost one plant.. SUCH A SAD DAY!

Spend time with family! A couple of Saturday's ago I went to my moms, in my jammies, plopped down on the recliner and enjoyed the whole day doing nothing with her, my sister and sweet Lilah. I've relived that day several times in my head since then! Nothing like being home...

Hehe, this is more of an obsession. I'm like Oprah with my candles - THE BATHROOM GETS A CANDLE! THE LIVING ROOM GETS A CANDLE, THE KITCHEN GETS A CANDLE, YOU'RE ALL GETTING CANDLES! I wish I were exaggerating. 

While I always try to have a book that I'm reading, I think I excel in the winter. I was recently looking at a website to get a new book and out of the five suggested readings, I had already read three of them. It felt like an accomplishment, but also kind of like "oh crap! what if there are no more books?!" (side note: I know that won't happen, but some drama is fun.)

Not pictured is crocheting! I thought for sure that I had a picture of that, but I do not. However, maybe eventually I will post some of the things I'm working on, or have finished. It's so relaxing to me, and I am one of those people who constantly need to be doing something with my hands so it certainly keeps me occupied.

OK, that's all for this one! Stay warm, and enjoy whatever you might be doing to get you through this winter. 

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