Wednesday, April 4, 2018

march book recap [100 words or less]

Does anyone else's life get noticeably busier at the start of Spring? I swear... from March until October I probably have plans every weekend. It doesn't leave a lot of time for those winter traditions that I love so much. More importantly, it doesn't leave a lot of time for reading. I still managed to finish three books, but I would've preferred more reading time! 

In March, I read: 

Crazy Rich Asians

Nick lives in NYC and has to go home, to Singapore, for his best friends wedding. He decides that it would be the perfect opportunity to invite his girlfriend, Rachel, to tag along with him so she can meet his family and friends. What Rachel doesn't know is that Nick has a family full of ... crazy rich Asians.  

FAIR WARNING: This is a series. I guess I could've done a little more research before starting (not that it would've swayed my decision) but it did end on a little cliff hanger. This book though, all 500+ pages of it, were entertaining! I either loved or hated each individual character. Astrid is my girl, though. I found myself thinking of her like she was a friend when I wasn't reading it. I really connected with this book and can't wait to read more.

The Power of Habit

Can you ever go wrong with a self-help book? Also, you know those types of reads where you're constantly going "WHOA!"; that would be the case here. So much insight into how powerful having a habit is and also, some amazing things your brain can do when you keep a habit. 

This book floored me and it definitely made me re-evaluate some things that I could be doing better if I developed a habit of it (eating better, taking care of myself, keeping in touch with loved ones, etc.). Even weeks later I find myself subconsciously making mental notes of my everyday routines. I will say that this book is essentially a compilations of stories, or examples of habit so if you don't think you can commit to reading the entire book then at least keep it on your nightstand to read on and off when you want. It's worth the read!


Joe works and manages a bookshop in NYC. He's very much an introvert and keeps to himself at all times. Then, Beck walks in. She catches his eye and ... did she just flirt with him? Joe decides to figure out who Beck is by way of the name on her credit card. Plunging down a dark hole, he gets what he wants... Beck.

I no longer think that I can predict endings of books. Honestly, I don't even try at this point... However, if I were to try my absolute hardest to predict this ending, I would've been wrong. I just know it. This book somehow manages to be 100% thriller, 100% creepy and 100% comical. I couldn't get enough of this read and when it ended I wanted to do that thing where you shake the book upside down to see if anything else comes out... I wanted more! 

Fair warning though... this book deals with some not so settling subjects. Readers beware! 

I've already started The Woman in the Window for my first April book.. But need to make my list for the rest of the month. Let me know if you have any good suggestions. 

Happy readings! 

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