Sunday, January 17, 2016

Life Lately // As of 1/17/16

Hello, hello! I'm currently playing "fake it 'til you make it" with this cold. If I act like I'm feeling 100% then hopefully I'll trick my brain into thinking that I am. Also, if I can vent for a minute. The weekend is the WORST time to get sick. Like, hello! I had plans and you are now forcing me to do nothing. >gr!<

I did, however, manage to get out and do some quick shopping with my mom yesterday. That two hours with her was much needed! After that, I laid on the couch and watched some Netflix & HBO. I just finished Togetherness which is like the more drama type of Modern Family and perhaps a little more realistic? Also, seeing Mark Duplass's face isn't hurting anything... (Sorry, Cade!). Now I am starting on The Newsroom. Only one episode in but I have a great feeling I am going to like it. I'm probably not alone, but I definitely started watching it because of this speech. (are you guys digging my hyperlinks here?!?!)

Other than the TV business (thanks sickness!), I've been incredibly swamped at work lately. Which makes coming home afterwards all the sweeter. This week was a great week for coming home! We planned our dinners ahead of time last weekend so we knew exactly what we were going to make every evening. I'd like to think that I'll continue it, but who am I kidding? I get most of my dinners ideas from Pinterest and I've learned now to really choose the dinners that are within my skills. Also, time limit. Unfortunately, I didn't hit the 1.5 billion dollar lotto so I can't pursue my dream to be a stay at home wife. 

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here are some pictures of life lately! Enjoy: 

Ryan, Becca, Cade & I made some delicious pizzas a couple weeks ago which included this velveeta and bacon pizza. Nothing beats combining liquid gold with bacon. NOTHING!

I can't believe that little Maverick is going to be ONE in 11 days. How on earth did a year pass by that quick?! In either case, he is truly the most adorable and lovable little boy and I'm so glad I get to watch him grow up next to my best friend.
The house is all back to normal now after Christmas. I love all the decorations that I'm surrounded by during the holidays but there is nothing better than seeing your clean, beautiful house back to its normal state.
Little Franklin just has my whole entire heart. I'm so proud of this sweet dog and how much love he gives Cade & I. How did we get so lucky with him?!

This sunset was unreal Friday morning. I had to grab my camera to document it. Thank goodness I did too because it was gone within 10 minutes.
Hope everyone has a wonderful, exciting week! 


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