Saturday, October 31, 2015

Life lately

Hi there! First, Happy Halloween! After today I officially like to start thinking about ... THE HOLIDAYS! Thanksgiving and then the weekend after Thanksgiving when you try really hard to convince yourself that you did NOT gain 100lbs. from all the delicious food you devoured. You finally convince yourself that it's all OK and BAM! Holiday cookies, candies, parties... Before you know it, Christmas is over and it's 2016 and you're wondering what life was like when there wasn't 16 inches of snow on the ground and the sun was visible. That's why I want to start a protest to put the tree up tomorrow. Christmas Tree that is. Time flies by in general but especially during the holidays! Don't worry all you anti-Christmas decoration people. Cade won't let me, but that doesn't mean that I don't ask him once or twice a day... 

Anyway, other than my obsession with all things Thanksgiving/Christmas time, life has been fun lately. Lots of traveling, going to concerts, family vacations, relaxing (finally!), etc... Here's some snippets & words. Enjoy!

Behind this tree is the cabin we stayed in and the world's greatest family sitting on the porch.

Pennsylvania Sunrise (insert praising hands emoji here)

At the top of the fire tower. Miles upon miles of beautiful forest!

Here lies the worlds sweetest dog. Sleeping peacefully until some crazy lady started taking his pictures... Sorry bud, but you've also woken me up a handful of times... So, let's call it even!

Definitely saving this little Halloween decoration for seasons to come. Loved seeing it every time I came home. (Got it from Marshall's, FYI!)


 Happy Fall!

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