Monday, May 21, 2018

the best may yet.

I'm currently having a May to remember... So you won't hear any complaints about life from me. NO WAY! From the weather warming up, to the time spent with family and the flowers/trees giving extra color to my every day... I live for this time of year and it's been extra special lately.

When I post here, it's to share bits + pieces of my life with family and friends but it also acts as a diary of sorts for me. I love looking back through the years and reminiscing of good times. Especially when I kinda, maybe, sorta forgot about those particular times. Forget seems like such a harsh word to use, though. Maybe because the optimist in me says that I would never forget those best moments. 

Regardless, it's May 21st and as I'm sitting here looking back on my month I think about how I don't want to forget this. Not a single moment... I want to remember this when I'm scrolling through social media, slightly envious of people going on vacation... I want to remember this on a quiet weeknight when I feel like the work week won't end. I want to remember these moments when I need it. In those moments, I can come here to my little corner and be reminded of everything I have. 

This photo doesn't look like much, but it was a Saturday morning where I woke up with the sun and sat in the dining room and painted while listening to the best songs. I just had a moment where I looked around and thought "dang! I'm here. I'm happy. It's incredible."

I confess... lately when I'm with family I'm focused on one person (cough) LILAH (cough) and sometimes forget to sit down and have an adult conversation with my parents or siblings... My mom snapped this picture and I've just gotta say - I'm a lucky sister. Beyond that, actually.

As a gal who is rarely in front of the camera, it's nice to be reminded when someone sees you happy and thinks to snap a picture. Cade did just that this past weekend and I feel like I can see that genuine smile on my face here. He's a great husband and he brings that happiness out so much. I truly think I am a better person because of him.

I don't know what it is, but we somehow manage to have the art museum to ourself when we visit. Do you remember this post where we visited and I mentioned feeling like we had the place to ourself? Yeah, same thing here! It's nice. We can take our time OR we can rush right to our favorite exhibits.

It also just so happened to be the last day of the museum's "Eye Witness" gallery. Wow! This work was truly breathtaking and we definitely took our time reading all of the descriptions and paying attention to all of the detail. Cade even managed to joined into the conversation ^^up there and get word out about his own work :P 

MONET. I know exactly where this is in the museum. I could probably walk there with my eyes closed. I know where the bench is... right in front of it. There's something about sitting there, with his work, and feeling peace. Have I said it before? This, right here, is my favorite place in Cleveland. Just me, alone with Monet.

Saturday night snippet of good friends having a good time. I don't know if it's obvious here, but we all had a very fun night full of laughter, games and a Cav's win (FINALLY!). These kinds of summer nights are the best! 

Contrary to what I said up there about adult conversations, this sunday was all about the babies. I was in my own personal heaven where the sun was shining, the food was good, the dog was swimming and I had my Lilah girl. 

So, there you go, future Renee. You have a lot and you are immensely rich with family, friends and love. I can't wait (but I can) to see what this summer has in store for me. Judging by just the last few weeks, I'm going to say that there will be more "the best" posts to come.

Let's go, summer 2018! 

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