Friday, May 4, 2018

are you linking what i'm linking?

I don't know why I do this to myself, but the other night I looked all through our previous vacation pictures and now I've got the worst travel fever. Cade and I are planning out some potential trips and it's really got me looking forward to this summer!

First and foremost (and so very exciting) ~ I finally was able to start a book club with friends who also enjoy reading! I am so excited and giddy. Our first suggested book is Lies That Bind Us and it sounds incredible! Feel free to join - I'd encourage it! Search for "The "Let's Keep it Casual" Book Club" group on Facebook. The more, the merrier! 

Do you love Jeff Goldblum as much as I do? (First of all, it's not even a competition). If so, check out this interview he did with GQ. 

Did you hear about this situation going on with Blake Lively's instagram? It's all leading up to her new movie, A Simple Favor coming out soon and boy, oh boy, am I excited! The trailer looks like it's going to be a good one! 

I've yet to find a cajun restaurant in Cleveland (or anywhere other than Louisiana, actually) that I genuinely enjoy for it's authentic taste... I hope Battiste and Dupree can change my mind once I make my way there! 

After a lot of hesitation, I recently checked out Audible and I'm not too proud to say that I was very impressed. It's a pretty good deal for someone to who enjoys reading a few books a month and would spend the money anyway on a book or two.

Since I know a few of my friends listen to the "My Favorite Murder" (MFM) podcast, I don't feel like such a strangeling anymore! :) I can never get enough of their episodes, and I've even made some new friends through it! It's a great community for such a taboo subject. 

Speaking of true crime... Did you see that a couple of old cases were recently solved?

Golden State Killer
Missing Welch, OK girls

Have you ever made a "vision board"? Now that I am slowly, but surely making my way out of debt, I have been dreaming of the day that I can finally own a vehicle "of my dreams". Here are some of my top contenders so far: 

Volvo XC40 2018 
Chevy Traverse

I really like the Volvo the most, but it's all about finding a deal, and availability... So stay tuned! ;) 

Speaking of making my way out of debt, have you heard of the digit app? I've been using it for a month now and absolutely love it! It's taken anywhere from $0.62 to $15.00+ in a day and I really haven't noticed it. I've got a nice little savings accruing and it feels good.

I think that's all for today! At some point I want to share a link post purely dedicated to older blog posts... I've had this thing for 4 years now and even still I find myself not remembering the older stuff. That's why I love this blog of mine, it's my own little memory bank! 

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