Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Part II

So, I said I took a lot of pictures... Right? I just looked through them again and I almost feel like this could go up to a "Part X" but don't I don't want to lose your interest so we'll stick with only a few. 

We stayed up in the mountains and it was surrounded by trees and animals. Unfortunately the trees were "leaf-less" but the scenery was still extremely beautiful and untouched. I loved everything about my four days there. Everything.

The part with the sun and the no clouds was my favorite of this weather. ^^

But, the sunset is really what stole my little heart.

^^This isn't zoomed. I was actually this close.^^

^^But this was maybe a little bit zoomed... Maybe^^

If you offer them food then they love you! Who would've thought?

So beautiful.

Can we go back? You guys wanna join?

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